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Language of Cosmoses

In LofC on April 7, 2006 at 8:43 pm

The language of cosmoses is the second conscious shock. As abstract as that sounds, and as anti-practical-language as that sounds, it just is. That’s what I’m saying, anyway. In terms of mechanics, the second conscious shock is Real Will, non-identifying, separation, new-thinking, eating friction, intentional suffering, struggle to not express emotional energy negatively when in the midst of an emotional state (and/or in the midst of an unpredictable, difficult event) which itself has been brought on by self-remembering effort, or, what is the same thing, accumulation of energy of consciousness which gets to a point within you where it must be wasted mechanically and negatively or be transformed. A critical point. To transform it is to effect the second conscious shock. It requires, ultimately, a descend-of-the-dove type of Real Will. A ‘dawning’ of self-remembering and inner-command in the moment. I.e. a true ‘conscious’ shock, that arrives from inside and from above. Why call all this the language of cosmoses? Because that is the result. The language of cosmoses is understanding, conscience, and Real Will volition…

(It’s difficult to set a concrete goal, and record that goal, for second conscious shock effort. It is just fighting through the difficult intervals when you find yourself in one. If your self-remembering goal is serious in terms of duration, depth, and frequency then that will force the issue. In its good time, yet the battle [limits] will be provoked. The first conscious shock [self-remembering] and the second conscious shock occur simultaneously, when they do occur, anyway, so the focus can just be to self-remember through the difficult intervals and effect other necessary Work practices in the wake of that primary, necessary effort.)

Difficult though it be to set a concrete goal for the second conscious shock I will set here a concrete goal that is in the territory:

For days when I’m not doing the ’16-hour lockdowns’ (or even on days when I’m also doing that, but I’ll make it a conscious decision at the beginning of the day) I will make an effort to be awake in the midst of at least 7 moments/events (or negative states derived from memory of past events and/or negative imagination) – recorded in real time – where strong identification and resentment and out-of-control tongue manifests, or would usually manifest. This, in effect, cultivates Real Will regarding event type self-remembering (for the different types of self-remembering follow the link on the S-R Checklist page), rather than only a shock to be awake generally, which is what the 16-hour lockdown effort cultivates.

—> 0

The concrete goal will be to get the above number to 40.